1965 – 2015 Galerie Buchholz

Unsere Leute – Namuy Misag

Land, Bräuche und Glaubensvorstellungen
der Guambianos

(Our People – Namuy Misag. The Land, the Traditions and Belief Systems of the Guambianos)

Drawings and texts by the Guambiano Francisco Tumiñá Pillimué, re-narrated by Gregorio Hernández de Alba. Full-page pictures of 30 drawings, each accompanied by one text. The Guambianos live in an area east of Popayán near the small town of Silvia in the central mountain range of the Andes, Columbia.

Including an essay by Brett Troyan.

German translation by Helmut Frielinghaus.

120 pages, 23 x 20 cm, soft cover with flaps, 2010, published by Godula Buchholz, Verlag Kurt Liebig, € 9.90



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