1965 – 2015 Galerie Buchholz
Nicholas Monro
* 1936 in London, Great Britain
The sculptures made of fibreglass and painted by Nicholas Monro reflect the human body in fresh and unexpected volumes. They frequently depict people in motion and range from trance caused by dancing to a frantic race. Most of the themes are taken from popular entertainment (such as television) and dancing. If it corresponds with the subject, the depiction is grotesque; if an expression of inner movement is required, the sculptor also carves it out by presenting the faces of well-known artists. Most of Monro’s sculptures are groupings of people. The overall impression is that of exhilarating freshness.
Shown in exhibitions:
1979 Kunsthalle Nürnberg und Norishalle
1980 Galerie Godula Buchholz, Pullach bei München
1981 Stadtmuseum München
2013/14 Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Berlin
2015 Stadmuseum München
Morris Dancers, 1979, group of six figures, fiberglass, painted, ca. 265 x 400 x 350 cm
Morris Dancers (detail), 1979, group of six figures, fiberglass, painted, ca. 265 x 400 x 350 cm
Morris Dancers (detail), 1979, group of six figures, fiberglass, painted, ca. 265 x 400 x 350 cm
Morris Dancers (detail), 1979, group of six figures, fiberglass, painted, ca. 265 x 400 x 350 cm
Max Wall: The excentric walking, 1978, fiberglass, painted, 205 x 75 x 90 cm
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